Sunday, May 26, 2019

Focus on the Learner Essay

1.Group ProfileIts a mixed group with a very mixed cultural background as only three students atomic number 18 actually from Germany. Four of the students were natural in another country e.g. Lithuania, Turkey, France and Romania. They all moved to Germany as adults and all share German as a common language.The group is heterogeneous concerning the age they started uplifting English. Two students started learning as adults while the others started learning at school. Most of the students keep learnt another language as an adult and therefore have previous language learning experience.The motivation for doing the course is sort of high and the group sight be divided into two groups students who need English for their job/university and students who want to learn for their own enjoyment. They are all at upper intermediate level. overlook for one student (who could be classed as a converger), the overall group could be classed as concrete learners. They enjoy the social aspects o f learning and same(p) to learn from direct experience. They are interested in the language and they enjoy games and group-work in class. The entire group could also be classed as communicative learners because they show a degree of confidence and a willingness to take risks. They are much more interested in social interaction with other speakers of the language than they are with analytic thinking of how the language works. (Learning styles based on Keith Willing 1987).2.Strengths and weaknessesGrammarThe students are weak when forming the preface simple (especially 3rd person singular) (e.g. I must to take the train, She like climbing, Stephen come from Australia) very often conf utilize it with the devote perpetual. (Sometimes Im reading Turkish books). Most students also have problems when victimization the simple prehistoric (we seed its ill, I gone to school with her, We can found this in a school, Where are you born?, She were ).Some students also have problems with ver b-noun collocations (e.g. She make all the housework)VocabularyThe students have a good basic knowledge of vocabulary. They can talk near themselves, where they come from, their profession, their families, experiences they have had in the past and things they like to spend more money on. (Example of good language My picture is a technical object entirely I really dont know what it is used for, Because you met the Pope, you changed your mind You said dug so it is dig, dug, dug = verb orientation).Many of the students try to translate like a shot from German into English (The cat was by us) and sometimes use a German word in a sentence, using it questioningly enabling other students to help out with the correct English word. The students respond very salubrious, offering suggestions until correct dissolvent is found.Most of the students focus on finding the call for translation of the unknown word rather than trying to paraphrase their idea.PronunciationAll the students have a strong L1 interference and speak with an accent.The group responds well to drilling the right pronunciation and where to put stress on the words. They are keen to sound natural and like repeating afterthe teacher.Some students announce the endings of words that arent necessary e.g. clothes, See instead of sea, Lus their jobsWords 2083.Strengths and weaknesses skillsReadingThe students are able to read a text fairly chop-chop in order to understand the overall meaning. After enquiring about a few words of vocabulary (sometimes looking this up themselves in a dictionary) they are able to answer all the questions quickly and correctly.ListeningThe students are able to listen to texts read to them and in most cases understand the general meaning already after the first time. After hearing the text for the second time, they are able to answer questions, in most cases correctly.The students react well to instructions and during converse they wait patiently until their dialogue partner has finished.One student is a panicky listener, the others all seem to be relaxed listeners.WritingThe students have a commodious range of vocabulary appropriate for the given tasks. Their sentences are well-structured and they make few mistakes.SpeakingThe students try to use structured sentences. If they are confident with the vocabulary hesitation is less frequent, with new vocabulary or grammar most students hesitate frequently. The students are motivated to improve their speaking ability and they make a great grounds to only speak English.Some of them use gestures when they do not know a word, others switch between German and English, using the German word to aim in the gaps in the sentence (I go with the Straenbahn, I make Teig with Zimt and ).4.RecommendationsLanguage development1.Total English Workbook (Pre-intermediate)Antonia Clare/JJ Wilson Longman PublishersPage 8, Section 1.3Grammar render Simple vs Present Continuous pleaAll 3 exercises on this page help the st udents to distinguish between the present simple and the present continuous. It also concerns activities they can fellow with2.New Cutting Edge (Pre-intermediate Students Book)Sarah Cunningham/ rooster Moor Pearson/Longman PublishersModule 4, page 34Language Focus 1Present continuous and present simple justificationAt the top left of the page there is a grammar exercise section where the students have to underline and give an example of the present simple/present continuous. Exercises 1 and 2 help to practice the use of them.3.Language to go Students Book (Pre-intermediate)Gillie Cunningham/Sue Mohamed Longman PublishersLesson 3, page 9 The Present (Grammar focus)JustificationExercises for the students to practice distinguishing between Present simple and Present continuous. First of all filling in the gaps, then writing their own email and finally using the language by talking in pairs4.Total English Students Book (Pre-intermediate)Richard Acklam/Araminta Crace Pearson/Longman PublishersChapter 1, page 14 Review and practiceJustificationExercises for practicing both present simple and present continuous (including question-forming)5.Clockwise Pre-intermediate Class BookBruce McGowen & Vic Richardson Oxford University PressChapter 25, page 65 Present simple and continuousJustificationStudents can fill in the tables with the verb and then complete the rules for using Present simple and continuous themselves in exercise 16.New rendering Basis for BusinessDavid Christie Cornelsen & OxfordUnit 2, pages 24 and 25 Further study (Simple present and present continuous)JustificationOn page 24 there is an explanation of when to use simple present and present continuous and on page 25 there are exercises to practice7.New Edition Basis for BusinessDavid Christie Cornelsen & OxfordUnit 3, pages 37 and 38 Further study (Simple past and past continuous)JustificationOn page 37 there is an explanation of when to use simple past and past continuous and on page 38 th ere are exercises to practice8.Powerbase Pre-intermediateDavid Evans Longman PublishersUnit 4, pages 30 to 33 Going placesJustificationThe article on page 31 is quite interesting for the students. On page 30 they can fill-in the verbs in the past and present form and on page 32 the past simple can be practiced in exercises.9.Business opportunitiesVicki Hollett Cornelsen & OxfordUnit 5, Growth and development, pages 50 and 51 Past experiencesJustificationThe article on page 31 is quite interesting for the students. On page 50 they can fill-in a time line. On page 51 there is an explanation on when to use the simple past, questions for the students to answer and discussion exercise.Skills development10.Business opportunitiesVicki Hollett Cornelsen & OxfordUnit 2, Telephoning to make arrangements, pages 23, 150 and 151Justification Students usually enjoy doing role play. In these exercises they work with a partner and discuss a) a conference programme and b) arranging a meeting.11 .Business opportunitiesVicki Hollett Cornelsen & OxfordUnit 7, Telephoning to exchange information, page 73Justification Students will probably find the stories on this page quite amusing. They will then discuss any car accidents or funny incidents that they have experienced themselves.References1.Total English Workbook (Pre-intermediate)Antonia Clare/JJ Wilson Longman Publishers2.New Cutting Edge (Pre-intermediate Students Book)Sarah Cunningham/Peter Moor Pearson/Longman Publishers3.Language to go Students Book (Pre-intermediate)Gillie Cunningham/Sue Mohamed Longman Publishers4.Total English Students Book (Pre-intermediate)Richard Acklam/Araminta Crace Pearson/Longman Publishers 5.Clockwise Pre-intermediate Class BookBruce McGowen & Vic Richardson Oxford University Press6.New Edition Basis for BusinessDavid Christie Cornelsen & Oxford7.Powerbase Pre-intermediateDavid Evans Longman Publishers8.Business opportunitiesVicki Hollett Cornelsen & Oxford

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